I sometimes wonder about the Welsh? Not quite same as the Irish or Serbs, not even like the Flemish are we?. The Welsh would rather put up plaques and memorialise English Royalty than their own that were wiped out by the English. This Prince Charles Quay built with funds from various sources is beneath the walls of Cardigan Castle, and by the river from which any number of famous Cardigan ships were built by, and sailed from. The towns Heritage Centre names any number of local Welsh Princes, Lords to later Ship Builders and other worthy local people. But whom do they name their newly built quay after, yes an English Prince of Wales, is there any hope for this far from Post Colonial Country of ours? Other than stating the obvious above, It would follow to be not amazing to find that whilst this Prince Charles Quay sign can be put up, but one illustrating the famous Battle of Crug Mawr, thought to be the biggest battle fought on Welsh Soil cannot!
May I suggest that correcting this major mistake, of English Prince receiving better recognition that a Battle that saves Pura Wallia falling to the Anglo - Normans long before 1282 be put right asap. Thus with anniversary date of battle coming up shortly please will pobl Ceredigion focus some attention on this matter, possibly holding a meeting in Aberteifi to hold talks on the battle and how to go about setting up a plaque and Illustrative Interpretation Board in public space. If not in Town Centre then possibly by the River side site of the Bridge that collapsed under weight of fleeing Anglon - Normans (see my thoughts on this below). In association with this Battle of Crug Mawr discussion day, possibly a Battle trail might be outlined and followed as potential research for a leaflet on the battle to be published and made available at local Tourism Info Centre and elsewhere. It would facilitate all of the above if local people adopted this battle and set up a Battle Research Group as I advise how to do in previous posts in this blog.
The Battle is well described in a number of sites on the web, and below map and fotos may be of use in illustrating possibilities further. Crug Mawr is marked below by crossed swords, it appears the Anglo - Normans came out to meet the Welsh Army but were outnumbered and fiercely attacked down ward toward the town. But becoming quickly caught up panic set in and the fleeing enemy attempted to cross a town bridge, records say close to St Mary's church, so obviously not the present stone bridge by the Castle. Nor by where the modern bye pass bridge is, so where? maybe the slip way by which I stand in fotos below offers suggestion of where this bridge may have been? A good site for a plaque and Illustrated Information Board perhaps. However, I am sure local study and knowledge will know exactly where this bridge was at time of the battle.
Picture below, is of Crug Mawr on outskirts of town.
Bridge by the Castle.
View down the River towards St Mary's Church and new Bridge in the distance.

Below foto of St Mary's Church and close by see the slip way (close to cars) where I think the 'Battle Bridge' might have been?
Foto below show me my the slipway, accessed via Gloster Row off St Mary Street.


Close by some Pub
s, if your just on an outing for the day and want a drink and/or meal. Also site and pubs are convenient for annual commemorations and socials afterwards, think on it. Maybe set up an annual Commemoration Committee this October? Well done my bit, now over to you local Ceredigion patriots.
Close by some Pub
I'r Gad!