After some years attempting to get Cadw to move fast forward with a Welsh Battlefields Register and publication of a booklet at least on the subject, and equal to such published on Welsh Landscape and their recent book Shaping of the Welsh Landscape. I came to the opinion that Cadw was not just slacking but really back peddling, and that Welsh Battlefields were low on their scale of priorities. Preferring to hand over heritage matters to the Civic Trust whilst they played around with the ACW getting ready for the Cultural Olympiad, some years down the road. I am expecting to hear that the new Plaid Coalition WAG Minister of Heritage (more on he below) might be saying something about this in his 1st September 2009 'Heritage Statement', maybe?

As result of my growing awareness that Cadw would not really get itself very motivated into action regards Welsh Battlefields, I decided to herald in 2009 with a call for some radical action to be taken - 2009 WELSH BATTLEFIELD YEAR. Believing firmly in the principle of 'Autonomous Action' and single minded determination, not wasting time and money on endless meetings, I optimistically thought I would lead the way forward with a little action, and so to the site of the Battle of Derwen Fawr/Cadfan 1257. Optimistic in believing that if I was to set and an example others might follow, but no! that was not to be the case. Unfortunately, lack of loot, other distractions and a few personal problems led me off course and away from really pushing this campaign. So much for the plans of mice and men? Not much came of that!

However, not to be disheartened, never surrender to apathy and laziness, nor say die! I thought I would have to liven things up with some 'soft' but nevertheless radical DIRECT ACTION! Thus I embarked on some 'Blue Peter' Kitchen Table Top Activity on my 'Secret Weapon', not quite of ''Mass Destruction'' of CADW - Conquest And Defeat Wales or their English Edwardian Castles.
The objective being to cause them some embarrassment by drawing attention to their lack of speed in dealing with the issue of Welsh Battlefields, their PRESERVATION, PROTECTION & PROMOTION by means of a National Welsh Battlefields Register, a Booklet with a leaflet series plus an illustrated brochure with map. Not least badgering WAG for some legislation that will give some bite to the needs of P.P & P aforementioned! I am not going to inform here as to what or how my ''secret weapon'' will be employed, as I want the element of surprise with me as this will be kind of 'Guerrilla Historian' stuff! Do not worry, it's non - violent and very passive pacifist in form, but aimed at achieving maximum publicity? But again, I am only going to set an example, I really do expect other patriots to follow as I cannot afford to go running about Wales, I have not the money, the time or the energy really! Plus I am running out of Patience with the pathetic state of wet blanket patriotism that abounds in present times?
See bel
ow copy of write up in today's Western Mail, great more publicity for the cause you might think? But to be honest it's just duplicating what has already been said twice, if not thrice previously in the Western Mail in recent years (The Daily Post also did a major piece on my campaign, some years ago). All prompted by my I'R GAD Welsh Battlefields Campaign which I have been running for quite some years, and which in no time had moved the O.S and RCAHMW towards action, and then Cadw came aboard with some flag waving to draw attention to fact that they were of sorts responding to my campaign and to Patriots active in support of.
See bel

However, since Cadw has been time wasting regards taking this matter further, the Western Mail's recent report has done nought but essentially repeat what it's previously reported and allowed Cadw again to make false promises and so get away with it again. C'mon Western Mail, if you were all that concerned you would not keep repeating yourself and doing articles as if this campaign has just began. There is plenty of interesting stuff on this I'R GAD blog you can use to follow up on, and take it all somewhere other than just giving Liberal AM Kirsty Williams some free publicity, although I welcome her support but hope it's no just a sound bite? or an attempt to win over Plaid Cymru members? We shall see!

truth of the matter is Cadw has no serious intention of bringing out a register, or publishing a book asap of WELSH BATTLEFIELDS IN THE LANDSCAPE similar to the one they have published on Welsh Heritage Scenery which is accompanied by a series of leaflets by the way, in which there is no mention of Welsh Battlefields as shaping of Welsh History. The truth of the matter the situation is quite grim for Welsh Battlefields, you can read dozens of WAG, VW, Cadw, HEG and Treftadaeth'08/09 etc documents, and I kid you not but you will be lucky to find one mention of 'Welsh Battlefields', if you do not believe me, go and look for yourselves, do not take my word for it! So dear Patriots it really is time for action! No need for you to join ''Johnie Come Lately' opportunist Societies, although a WELSH BATTLEFIELD TRUST would be perhaps the real thing, not a ''Social Club'' and talking shop. No!
So what's to be done, well do not wait for me to get out and about with my ''Secret Weapon'', you can get active straight away as follows:


So what's to be done, well do not wait for me to get out and about with my ''Secret Weapon'', you can get active straight away as follows:
* Read this blog for loads of info and to get motivated.
* Write Letters to Press, National, Regional and Local.
* Write Letters to Cadw, RCAHMW and OS, also to CT, NT & NPS.
* Write Letters to Councils, all of them.
* Write to MP's, MEPs & AM's.
* If you can think of anything else of use, do it!
Most importantly adopt your local battlefield and set up a Research, Study & Campaign Group to see it's future REGISTRATION become reality. Also use it, for talks and walks, establish Battlefield Trails and most importantly seek to set up plaques and memorials, not least hold local annual commemorations.
After, all that if your keen for further action - WATCH THIS SPACE or rather a future blog post, I will post photos of my ''Secret Weaplon'' in use. Further Fotos at bottom of this post following Western Mail article my WAG's Minister of Heritage Alun Ffred Jones brawd Dafydd Iwan.

In which he does not once mention the 'WB' words, but what does one expect, but he has been giving money out for at least six 'Pennal Letters' and £30. 000 for that 'Cofia Tryweryn' wall. So who knows Welsh Battlefields might get lucky,especially if 100's of Patriots start to send him letters, emails, texts and tweets? Do listen carefully to what he's got to say on 1st September, if no mention of Welsh Battlefields, then I guess I might have to drop my ''Secret Weapon'' in his backyard? So hopefully it will be a case of 'RIGHT SAID FFRED' ????