What about Scotland, see below:

Right then! click into this link for sarters > Historic battlefields in Scotland threatened by lack of legal ... - 8:43am29 Apr 2008 ... A register of battlefields introduced in England in 1995 has led to a rethink ... Final policy on battlefields lies with Scottish ministers, ...www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/article3842875.ece - Similar pages - Note this . After which visit the below, where we get down to some really useful stuff, to compare with situation in Wales, click in here > Scottish Executive: Current Consultations - 8:45am
The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Historic Battlefields ... hold (including the Land Register of Scotland and the General Register of Sasines); ...www.scotland.gov.uk/Consultations/ - 26k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this . You will find an huge body of consultations going on but look for this and click into Contact Info: Consultations. The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Historic Battlefields, The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Battlefields invites views on Scotti...30/04/2008 to 25/07/2008 . More detail will come up, note this >: Consultations. The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Historic Battlefields. the Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Battlefields invites views on Scottish Ministers' policies for Historic Battlefields Contact: Christine KellyAddress: Room 2.9 Longmore House Edinburgh, EH9 1SHEmail: christine.kelly@scotland.gsi.gov.ukTelephone: 0131 668 8639 Date Document Type 30/04/2008 The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Historic Battlefields External Link
30/04/2008 to 25/07/2008 This will take you to more useful links > The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Historic Battlefields Description: The Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Battlefields invites views on Scottish Ministers' policies for Historic Battlefields Publication date: April 30, 2008 Address: http://www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/consultations/currentconsultations.htm Open Web site Open Web site in new window . TWO VERY IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS FOR YOU TO LOOK AT IN THE HISTORIC SCOTLAND WEBSITE YOU WILL BE DIECTED TO, they are > Scottish Historic Environment Policy (SHEPS): Consultation Battlefields The consultation on the Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Battlefields sets out proposals for Scottish Ministers' policy on Historic Battlefields. Historic Battlefields [233kb] Covering letter and respondent information form [106kb] Please note that the consultation closes on 25 July 2008.
Bit of an exercise in travelling from link to link but worth it, as it's absolutely full of stuff, you can use to point out to our Welsh Assembly, it's Ministers, Department & Section Heads plus of course your Assembly Member. Not least draw to attention of Cadw, RCAHMW, National Trust and Civic Trust all of whom seem to be overtly concerned with ''The Built Heritage of Wales'' and of course any history as long has it does not get too Medieval, unless it's anything but about Native Welsh Resistance to Anglo - Norman Conquest and Colonisation of Cymru. Of course if they were a bit more concerned about this history, then it might mean that they would get off their backsides and did a lot more to Preserve, Protect & Promote Welsh Medieval Battlefields. That includes you too VISIT WALES who for one moment might pay good attention to a FT report on how useful English Battlefield History would be for English Tourism, see below:
Meanwhile where are we at with Cadw & Co, last I heard or rather read was this pretty pasty piece ''Sound Bite'' in the Western Mail dated 8 August 2007, and since?
OK good start, but not to impressed, I can think of a few other Battlefields that should have been included, that I am sure would meet your criteria for inclusion on this list, for starters what about Battle of Bryn Derwin 1255 ? Anyway this RCAHMW list, is at least a start but what has Cadw been doing about it since, as compared to English Heritage and Historic Scotland. Then what about WAG compared to the Scottish Parliament, indeed what? To kind of prove a point, go enter a search for English Battlefield Register, then Scottish Battlefield Register and then try Welsh Battlefield Register and note what comes up > Heritage protection welsh seminar 2 - 9:34am The Welsh perspective. Cadw. Legislative context and background to the review ...... It was recognised that there was no battlefields register in Wales but ...www.cadw.wales.gov.uk/upload/resourcepool/Heitage%20Protection%20Welsh%20Seminar%202-e8756.htm - 115k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this . Despite the RCAHMW having delivered a little list, still better than nothing, it seems that Cadw is still thinking about what to do next?
at http://ymgyrchtreftadaeth.blogspot.com
Where, I am doing a job on Cadw & Co.