I know this post is a long way from the familier territory of medieval Wales that I write about in this blog but this year, the 11th November 'Poppy Day Rememberance' is one in which there are no WW I veterans left alive anywhere in the World to participate in Ceremonies. A couple of years ago I was passing by the Cilmeri Cenotaph and went in to take a look around and found there a Wreath of Red Poppies with card stating 'British Legion'. In my campaign for a Welsh Battle Field Register, I contacted the British Welsh Army Regimental Museums in Wales and was given support and information for such a campaign. However, I did not manage to convince their curators that it would be a good idea to have a Welsh Military History Society as in Ireland:
Military History Society of Ireland
www.mhsi.ie/The Military History Society of Ireland was founded in 1949. The aim of the Society is to promote the study of military history, and in particular the history of ...
Military History Society of Ireland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_History_Society_of_IrelandThe Military History Society of Ireland promotes the study of military history, and in particular the history of warfare in Ireland and of Irishmen in war. The society ...Mores the pity, maybe some ex - British Army Welsh Soldiers might consider such one day.To those Nationalists out there who view this as some sort of heresey, just get real! There is much we cannot seperate Wales from England/Britain on and would be rather naive to think we ever will, and pretty stupid to start making the 'usual suspect' anti - British statements and joining in the chorus of shouting 'Poppy Fascism'. What you going to do in your 'Free Wales', blow up WW I and WW II War memorials? I can think of plenty of 'Brit Royalty' plaques and statues that need to be pulled down but we will have to live with these War Memorials and the Red Poppy too, for ever, and that's the end of it.
hwbhanes.blogspot.com/.../remember-11-november-2011-mindfull-t...2 Nov 2011 – HWB HANES CYMRU/WELSH HISTORY HUB ... As a youngster my Dad took me to Remembrance Day services but in time he stopped attending - and so did I but we continued to wear the poppy. However, after I became a ...
Military History Society of Ireland
The Military History Society of Ireland was founded in 1949. The aim of the Society is to promote the study of military history, and in particular the history of ...Military History Society of Ireland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Military History Society of Ireland promotes the study of military history, and in particular the history of warfare in Ireland and of Irishmen in war. The society ...Mores the pity, maybe some ex - British Army
Welsh Soldiers might consider such one day.
To those Nationalists out there who view this as
some sort of heresey, just get real! There is
much we cannot seperate Wales from
England/Britain on and would be rather naive
to think we ever will, and pretty stupid to start
making the 'usual suspect' anti - British statements
and joining in the chorus of shouting
'Poppy Fascism'. What you going to do in your
'Free Wales', blow up WW I and WW II War
memorials? I can think of plenty of 'Brit Royalty'
plaques and statues that need to be pulled down
but we will have to live with these War Memorials
and the Red Poppy too, for ever, and that's the
end of it.
2 Nov 2011 – HWB HANES CYMRU/WELSH HISTORY HUB ... As a youngster my Dad took me to Remembrance Day services but in time he stopped attending - and so did I but we continued to wear the poppy. However, after I became a ...
The Battle of Festubert 15 - 27 May 1915.
Battle of Festubert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Battle of Festubert was an attack by the British army in the Artois region of France on the Western Front during World War I. It began on May 15, 1915 and ...
Thirteen days in May 1915 in which Hell would be
unleashed on largely men of Working Class and
Agricultural back ground on both sides. Men who,
no doubt, never had experiences of war, being brought
up very much on heroic tales of the British Army with
rifles fighting natives with spears. Having never experienced
an 'Industrial War' as had the Americans in their
Civil War 1861 - 65 and the French in the 1871
Franco - Prussian War. I sometimes wonder,
if I would have had as much guts as they who fought
in WW I and WW II. also, the young lads in Afghanistan
today. By the way, I would wish to see that war
ended and the boys brought back home before many
more are killed and their families made to suffer great grief
as the family of Sian Ifan did in 1915.

Photo above: Sian Ifan's Grandfather, who her father
grew up not knowing into old age as he should have done.
Of course then, the grandfather Sian would never know,
for he was killed in one of the worse 'Opening Battles' of
the 'War to end all wars' - The Battle of Festubert
15 - 27 May 1915.
The Battle of Festubert 15 - 27 May 1915.
Links Credit To Google:
First World War.com - Battles - The Battle of Festubert, 1915
www.firstworldwar.com/battles/festubert.htmBattles - The Battle of Festubert, 1915. Indian soldiers en route for France Forming part of French Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre's Artois Offensive in the ...The Battle of Festubert May 1915 - The Long, Long Trail
www.1914-1918.net › France and Flanders (the Western Front)
The battle of Festubert was in effect a second phase of the recently failed attack on Aubers Ridge. The strategic context and why this battle took place are ...
Battle of Festubert, 15-27 May 1915
The battle of Festubert, 15-27 May 1915, was the second major British contribution to the wider second battle of Artois, and was an important step in the move to ...The Battle of Festubert May 1915 - Battlefield Guide Books
A battlefield tour of the battles of Festubert and Givenchy with detailed directions and information.Out of battle: The Battle Of Festubert, May 1915.
16 Jul 2008 – This account of the Battle of Festubert comes from the “The Story of the Great War, Volume V”, although in the language of the time, still gives a ... The Battle of Festubert (15-27 May 1915) - Remembrance trails in ...
Read an historical article about this event of the First World War in Northern France:Battles - The Battle of Festubert (15-27 May 1915). Find places of ...Battle of Festubert May 1915 / Le Touret memorial - Great War Forum
1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=854426 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 5 Nov 2007
Friends Grandfather Pte Mather 2nd battalion Scots Guards was one of the 11000 casualties of the battle of Festubert, the third of the first three, ...
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For the first time in the war British forces were to engage in a battle of “attrition”. The Battle of Festubert, 15-25 May. On the morning of 13 May, 433 howitzers and ... World War One Battlefields : Other Battlefields : Fest,ubert
Festubert is known for the battle which was fought there in May, 1915. This followed shortly after that at Aubers Ridge, and commenced with a night attack just ...
Below photo of my Grandfather, taken ina French Convent Hospital. Altogether hewas wounded twice but survived WWI only then to die, killed in a Colliery Incident in1951.
My Mam told me that she remembers 'Old Sweats'coming to visit him, she a young girl at the timebut remembers their loud talking, shouting andswearing usually cursing 'British Generals'.Mam also remembers her Mother shouting''Fred stop the Swearing!'', followed by quitewhispered voices from the parlour, he was morethan likely more scared of his wife than GermanSoldiers? Photo below of myself and Fred, Tadcu.Taken in Merthyr, those from Merthyr will recognisethe church. Since, I have been back to have a similerphoto taken - almost in same place, with my Grandchildren.Sure, I will wear a Red Poppy in remembrance ofthese brave men and I will have no problemwith reminding my children and grand children towear a Red Poppy too. As much as I remindthem to remember - 'Cofia 1282' and wear anIvy Leaf.
A Patriots Powerful Memorial to the Brave Welsh Fallen
at Mametz Wood.
Mametz Wood Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. 38th Divisionmemorial. Mametz Wood was the objective of the 38th (Welsh) Division during Mametz Memorial
27 Apr 2008 – The Branch has ownership of the 38th (Welsh) Division Memorial atMametz, ... and activities, Wales and the Great War and matters of general interest. ...The sculptured dragon was created by David Peterson, Sculptor in Iron, ...The Woods And Copses: Nature's Fortresses of the Somme
22 May 2008 – The Western Front Association: furthering interest in the Great War1914-18 ... woods that liberally sprinkle the otherwise monument and military cemetery... Secondly, because Mametz Wood was a major battle for the 38th (Welsh) ..... on its eye-catching design by a Welsh sculptor in steel - David Petersen. ...Carmarthen County War Memorial - Touring the Western Front
Carmarthen County War Memorial - Touring the Western Front. ... this time stood by the fantastic Memorial to the 38th Welsh Division at Mametz Wood on a ... The memorial was made by St. Clears man, David Peterson, and stands at the point .
See Much More On Web Re Mametz Wood.
314 From Wales are recorded in below:
Ireland's Memorial Record: World War 1 - Find My Past - Ireland
The horror and destruction of World War I 1914 – 1918 was on a scale never ... of Ireland's Memorial Records were created to preserve and commemorate the ...