Regards the
‘desecration of our heritage’ which is currently taking place on Mynydd y Betws,
Carmarthenshire. This is a serious matter of national importance and, as
someone who has remained a loyal reader of the Western Mail for the last fifty
years, I would have expected our ‘national’ English language newspaper to give
the issue more coverage than the tiny ‘in passing’ paragraph that I finally came
across in Tuesday’s issue of the Western Mail (21/2/2012).
However, you
are not alone when it comes to a lack of expression of concern on this matter;
Cadw should also express concern - as this is a long ignored location of many
medieval battles which took place between 1282 – 1334. These battles played a
significant role in the medieval history of the area concerned and reflected
heavily on the overall history of Cymru - and should certainly be considered for
entry in a ‘Cadw Battlefield Register’ such as has been called for by 'I'r Gad
The Welsh Battlefield Campaign group. 'I'r Gad’ has a feature on the first
'Struggle For Stryveland' and the long but final victory of the Welsh to win
back the land of Mynydd y Betws from the Norman Robber Barons of the day on our
blog; hopefully, the native Welsh will, again, be victorious in the 'Second
Struggle to Save Stryveland', this time form Renewables Robber
Finally, is
it not time for the Plaid Cymru Leadership contenders to come ‘totally’ clean on
where they stand on the issue of the 'Wind milling of Wales'? In my
view, there needs to be clear clarification as to where exactly Plaid Cymru, as
a party, stands on this issue - as Dafydd Elis Thomas, it appears, is quite
happy to force Windmills by the thousands on us along with, at the least, two
nuclear Power Stations and I would, in particular, like to know what the
leadership contenders views are on collaborating with a Global Windmill
Industry that also dirties its hands with open cast and nuclear dust and that
has a history of warring against Coal Miners in West
South Gwyr It's Pay Back Time To Support North Gwyr, Swansea and area Patriots should be considering most seriouly their March into The Mountains of Mynydd y Gwair and Mynydd Y Betws during the first week of June 2012 leading way in a three day 'Occupation of Stryveland'.
Otherwise, this is what you will live to see, not another
Patriotic Memorial but this instead:
URDD BRENHINOL CYMRU ... on the Royal Houses of Wales 'Teyrnasoed Brenhinol Cymru'; Aberffraw - Gwynedd, ... THE LAST BATTLE?