Please take note of below, the same reasoning should apply to a Welsh Battlefield Register, so patriots make sure you take such as Skirmishes into your local considerations please. NOW DO TAKE NOTE THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REALLY DO LOBBY THE RCAHMW AND CADW ON THIS MATTER, so please action asap or other wise much will be ignored, trust me it will what with these archaeologists being pretty disinterested anyway in this area of our medieval history.
If that was not true then for sure much would have been done about Welsh Battlefields long before now and not left to us patriots to have to campaign to win recognition for such. I had a little discussion the other day with an archaeologist on this matter and up came all the usual excuses for their disinterest in such a matter as Welsh Battlefields were hard to locate, no material evidence left etc. They do not seem to take aboard as good enough evidence such as poetry as in case of the Battle of Bryn Derwin or names of features in the landscape that provide pretty good evidence for battle locations as Battle of Coed Lathen and so fourth, you make sure you do and inform they so to.
See below and note not even Bannockburn Battle site is safe.